by Ken Danford | Aug 9, 2022 | Uncategorized
July was a tragic month: we lost a treasured alumna, Jana Abromowitz. Jana was killed by a housemate for reasons that are impossible to comprehend. This death has been a shock for our community, and we are doing the best we can to respond. Jana was a member of North...
by Ken Danford | Jul 15, 2022 | self-directed learning
I have attended the Alternative Education Resource Organization’s Annual Conference just about every year since 2006. This global event is the largest and most enthusiastic collection of people I know interested in making education more learner-directed. AERO’s slogan...
by Ken Danford | Jun 30, 2022 | Uncategorized
We are on our way! Thanks to the Vela Education Fund, along with the generosity of alumni donors at our Bonanza (matched by a gift from Board member and Alumni Parent Emily Harding-Morick) we are proceeding with hiring an Alumni Coordinator to create the North Star...
by Ken Danford | Jun 15, 2022 | self-directed learning
Presentations-Day Trips-Family Meetings-Shindig-Bonanza! Well, it has been a busy month at North Star, and to put it mildly, our hearts are full! Here is something of a photo essay from the past few weeks. Presentations: Teens are invited to share a particular...
by Ken Danford | Jun 1, 2022 | self-directed learning
Here’s some news from our industrious Science class! Thank you, Melanie! (K.D.) — One of the few silver linings of the first year of the pandemic was teaching outdoors as much as possible. This year I wanted to continue using the outdoors as my classroom. Since...