We are on our way! Thanks to the Vela Education Fund, along with the generosity of alumni donors at our Bonanza (matched by a gift from Board member and Alumni Parent Emily Harding-Morick) we are proceeding with hiring an Alumni Coordinator to create the North Star Star Alumni Association!

Here’s the premise:

There are a lot of you out there, ready to support each other, and there is no way for you to connect! Unless you spy the t-shirt or water bottle, how can you know that your new classmate, colleague, neighbor, or friend attended North Star? Let’s have an Alumni Association, a secret webpage, and maybe a map of where you are now! How about a list of people involved in current occupations, or who has attended various colleges or programs? We could even have alumni events in various cities!

We need to have a Coordinator for this Alumni Association! We need to get whatever information I have bouncing around inside my head into a more stable, shared, and accessible format. (There is still time to do so.) We do have a database, which is a solid start, but we need some focus, commitment, and follow-through on this project.

With the funds generated by the Bonanza and with the Vela Education Fund grant written specifically for this purpose, we are ready to go. We plan to hire an alum to manage this endeavor. We are looking for someone who will enjoy both the outreach and the data management involved in this vision. We are starting with a position of 10 hours per week of

pulling you all together into a mutual support network! (40 weeks x 10 hours x $25/hour = $10,000 salary.)

Email me if you are interested or have a recommendation: ken@northstarteens.org 

If you missed the Bonanza and would like to make a donation to support this project, please go to: www.northstarteens.org/donate to use your debit/credit card or Paypal
or Venmo @northstarteens

Thank you!

P.S. Also, in a wonderful moment of unexpected goodness, look what came through on Facebook: alum Sphennings Wright nominated North Star for a $1,000 prize from Pie Insurance (based in Colorado), and based on his information, Pie Insurance selected us! Thank you, Sphennings!