I have attended the Alternative Education Resource Organization’s Annual Conference just about every year since 2006. This global event is the largest and most enthusiastic collection of people I know interested in making education more learner-directed. AERO’s slogan is Education Revolution!

In addition to making presentations at this conference about North Star and the Liberated Learners network of centers, I often moderate panels of teens sharing their stories and experiences. This year’s panel was titled, “What Have I Done?” The focus was on what teens are doing with their lives outside of North Star or their Liberated Learners program. This year’s group was particularly impressive, cheerful, and informative! Enjoy.

What Have I Done? AERO Conference, June 26, 2022

Featuring: Kim Chin-Gibbons, Isabel Miller, Tove Schweitzer, Iris Wooten

Moderated by Kenneth Danford