July was a tragic month:  we lost a treasured alumna, Jana Abromowitz. Jana was killed by a housemate for reasons that are impossible to comprehend.  This death has been a shock for our community, and we are doing the best we can to respond.

Jana was a member of North Star for five years, 2015-2020.  She arrived here having grown up in an orphanage in Bulgaria and was adopted at age 14 by Jennifer Abromowitz.  Jana did not speak much English when we met her, but she dove into our community. Her main passion was music, and she dreamed of being a rock star.  She joined the North Star band, participated in numerous other classes and activities, and interacted with everyone.  Her English skills developed rapidly.

Jana always had a twinkle in her eye; she loved to tease me as the Director.  She cared for our community and contributed various artistic projects to our walls and spaces.  She identified with and represented North Star as much as any other member we’ve had for over 26 years, and she was a joyful presence at our 25th Year Alumni Bonanza in June.

Jana was living her young adult life well.  Throughout the pandemic, she worked at a local Burger King and received promotions to managerial levels.  She continued making music and was active both with North Star alums and our friends at the Institute for the Musical Arts (the people with whom we produce Get Down With Your Hometown in January.)  Jana had stable independent housing through Dial/Self (another North Star partner providing us with our Americorps service members.)  Jana was a success story, growing up nicely, however improbable that may sound for a Bulgarian orphan who chose North Star and homeschooling over the conventional local public high school.

The day after we heard this terrible news, North Star hosted two in-person sessions for alumni, staff, and those who knew Jana in our community to come together and share their grief.  These were moving events, including one with some of Jana’s Bulgarian friends joining us by Zoom.  

Last week Jennifer held a funeral service at a friend’s garden, and many North Star staff and alumni were present to speak, sing, and make music.  On August 27, IMA will be hosting their summer event, Lady and the Amp, and will offer a tribute to Jana.  I expect North Star will have its own event sometime this fall.  Fares Croteau, a North Star alum and close friend of Jana’s, is proposing that people learn some of Jana’s favorite songs to play in her memory.  Here are excerpts from Fares’ invitation:

Hey everyone

This is what I want to do for Jana [Jan Abromowitz Jan Ivanova]

I want to have a Janafest to play Jana’s favorite songs, tell stories and talk about her. I’ve gotten many messages and responses from you all wanting to help and I’m going to take you up on all of your offers and sweet condolences. I appreciate everyone’s heartfelt tributes and everyone reaching out to each other. 

I’ll be posting many videos of her on YouTube and will be sharing some of her music and other recordings on SoundCloud and Spotify 

There is also a Facebook and Instagram page for Jana — Remembrance of Jana

I truly loved Jana and I loved her as my little sister.

Feel free to tag as many people as you want.

I’ll be available for you all and here for you

Beyond that, we can discuss further ways to remember Jana:  A scholarship fund?  Renaming a room in our building?  Other suggestions?

I am still struggling to comprehend this new reality of life without Jana.  I am reflecting on my own difficulties in absorbing this information.  We have lost other alumni over the years to illness, accidents, overdose, and suicide.  In my private life, I have faced some death and occasional tragedy as well.  But murder?  This is a first for me.  The utter lack of preparation has me caught off guard.  

The North Star staff, alumni, and wider community have stepped up to share our love for Jana with Jennifer in this difficult time.  I am grateful to be part of this team.

Here is a link to a lovely profile of Jana in our local newspaper.