About Me

Joshua Hornick and I created North Star to improve our own lives and the lives of our students.

I’m the Co-founder and Executive Director at North Star: Self- Directed Learning for Teens in Sunderland, Massachusetts. I’ve been working intensively with teenagers and their families since 1991.

Previously a middle school social studies teacher, first in Prince George’s County, Maryland, then in Amherst, Massachusetts, I left the Amherst school system to found North Star. I brought along my extensive education and training, including a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Amherst College, and an M.A.T. in Social Studies from Brown University.

I live in Montague, Massachusetts, with my family.

Joshua and Ken, circa 1996

My Roles

Primarily, I am the Executive Director at North Star. Secondarily, I am a founding Board Member of Liberated Learners through which I consult with others interested in the North Star model.

There’s a much more comprehensive history of my teaching background and philosophy in Chapter 4 of my book, Learning is Natural, School is Optional: The North Star approach to offering teens a head start on life.

Major Professional Focus Areas

  • Teaching & Advising at North Star
  • Self-Directed Learning Consultant
  • Unschooling Advocate
  • Professional Speaker
  • Writing & Blogging