The Phone Is Ringing Off the Hook!

The Phone Is Ringing Off the Hook!

The new year of 2022 has generated unprecedented interest in North Star. Since January, we’ve had over forty inquiries, which is more than double what I would normally expect to receive in these months. For the most part, this is terrific news, as I love having these...
North Star Spring Newsletter

North Star Spring Newsletter

Hot off the press and heading for your mailbox! The spring issue of Liberated Learners, featuring lifelong homeschooling Atticus Belmonte! Enjoy this one, and you may join me in thinking, “What a nice place, that North Star!” Happy Spring!...
Big Changes at Liberated Learners

Big Changes at Liberated Learners

In addition to my work with North Star: Self-Directed Learning for Teens, I spend an increasing amount of time happily sharing our model with others around the country and the world through our Liberated Learners network. Liberated Learners has two primary goals:...
Senior Year?

Senior Year?

Sometimes I meet teens who are miserable in the middle of their senior years. I am always cautious about how to talk with them. On the one hand, I’m confident of our approach and the pros and cons of opting out, even at such a late moment in a high school...