Young Professionals in Self-Directed Education

Young Professionals in Self-Directed Education

This past weekend I had the fun opportunity to play the role of “Old Wise Guy” at Blake Boles’ weekend retreat for Young Professionals in Self-Directed Education. The event aimed to bring about twenty young people together from a range of programs and democratic schools that support students to follow their interests rather than a mandatory curriculum.

Liberated Learners Conference 2019

Liberated Learners Conference 2019

Over the past weekend of June 21-23, 2019, we held our annual Liberated Learners Conference for people who are working at the various programs across our network.  This year we welcomed about twenty-five people from nine programs.  For me, this weekend has become a celebration of having colleagues on this adventure of supporting teens and families to live without school.

Mandatory Cafeterias for the Young!

Mandatory Cafeterias for the Young!

If we were building an educational system from scratch today, I doubt many of us would choose a compulsory system focused on standardized test scores as a measurement of learning. One way of sharing my doubt is through the following analogy. Just to be clear, I do not endorse the following plan. This piece is satire.