Blog ESAs and Politics

Blog ESAs and Politics

I have continued my reading, listening, and talking about Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) through the past month, and I remain convinced we are at the beginning of a revolution that will change the landscape of education in the United States. Nearly 25 states have...
Education Savings Accounts

Education Savings Accounts

Since January, I have been researching publicly-funded support for homeschooling, and I have found out that I have been blissfully ignorant of the growth of states offering Education Savings Accounts over the past year or two, with quite a bit of new political action...
Scene on Radio: Seeing Whiteness

Scene on Radio: Seeing Whiteness

The North Star staff is currently working through a diversity and inclusion curriculum through the guidance of one of our parents who does this work professionally. One of the resources presented to us this month was a podcast series released in 2017: Scene on Radio –...
A New Project for 2023

A New Project for 2023

I’m ready to pick up where my book left off, considering ways to make self-directed learning more widely available to students and families. In my final chapter, “Modern Education Reform: Where Does North Star Fit In?”, I reviewed several tracks for expanding our...